To Neuter/Spay Or Not?

Spaying a Female: Removal of ovaries and uterus.

Neutering a Male: Removal of the testicles in a male.

Most vets and rescues will push sterilization of dogs because it can prevent unwanted pregnancies and overpopulation, stop or reduce some behavioral problems, and prevent some health issues.  But at what age is it safe to sterilize an animal?

Science tells us that early neuter (before the animal is mature) is associated with increased incidence of noise phobias and undesirable sexual behaviors like mounting, and that more behavioral problems were seen in sterilized animals, including aggression.

Science proves that females spayed early had significantly delayed closure of growth plates in their bones, as compared to later spays or left intact.  This means that the bones do not grow properly in a spayed female, causing things like crooked legs and other bone-related issues, even cancers and other health issues.

Even though there are reasons to sterilize an animal, there is scientific evidence that says to wait until the animal has quit growing and is nearly mature.  In Beagles, the bones stop growing and growth plates close around 18 months old, therefore, C2R requires that any dogs from our breeding program not be sterilized until 18 months or older, and if done earlier than that, the health guarantee is null and void.

Please research the studies that have been done in support of this, and if you have questions, you may contact us directly to work though any behavioral issues or health issues your dog has, and make sure to be your pet’s advocate – speak to more than one veterinarian on the subject, read new research and articles.  Get a second opinion.